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Workshop participants are exempted from payment.

Co-financing of participation in the workshop is provided by the International Visegrad Fund

For participants, the organizers provide materials and participation in three workshops. 

The International Visegrad Fund provides co-financing of the workshop for a limited number of participants.

Eligibility to participate in the workshops is determined by: 

  • the order of submitted application's form (obligatory for all applicants)


  • for the staff of routine laboratories, or R&D or QC industry departments: result of evaluation of a short description (max. 300 words; obligatory) explaining why the participation in the workshop is important for an individual, 
  • for academic teachers and researchers: result of evaluation of a short description (max. 300 words, obligatory) explaining why the participation in the workshop is important, 
  • for students and PhD candidates: result of evaluation of a recommendation letter signed by a scientific supervisor (max. 300 words, obligatory).